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United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Marketing Service
  Fruit and Vegetables Market News
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Report Results for Organic
Report Name: Daily Organic Report

Unless otherwise stated prices below cover sales by first receivers of available supplies. Sales are made from wholesale lots of stock of generally good merchantable quality and condition unless otherwise stated. Market tones are based on the general market, including product other than organic.

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PDF National Fruit and Vegetable Organic Summary 
Date Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Date range must be within 2 years.
Omitting Date Values will generate the last available report.
SAN FRANCISCO: APPLESPackage: cartons tray packVariety: HONEYCRISPGrade: WAExFcyType: Organic
DateLow-High PriceMostly Low-High PriceOriginOrigin DistrictItem SizeEnvironmentColorUnit of SaleQualityConditionStorageAppearanceCropTrans ModeRepackedComment
01/10/202450.00 - 50.00 - WASHINGTON80S FINEAPPEAR
01/10/202446.00 - 47.00 - WASHINGTON88S
01/10/202444.00 - 44.00 - WASHINGTON100S
SAN FRANCISCO: APPLESPackage: cartons 12 3-lb film bagsVariety: HONEYCRISPGrade: WAExFcyType: Organic
DateLow-High PriceMostly Low-High PriceOriginOrigin DistrictItem SizeEnvironmentColorUnit of SaleQualityConditionStorageAppearanceCropTrans ModeRepackedComment
01/04/202450.00 - 51.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN
01/04/202465.00 - 65.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN FINEAPPEAR
01/05/202450.00 - 51.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN
01/05/202465.00 - 65.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN FINEAPPEAR
01/08/202450.00 - 51.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN
01/08/202465.00 - 65.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN FINEAPPEAR
01/09/202450.00 - 51.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN
01/09/202465.00 - 65.00 - WASHINGTON2 1/4" MIN FINEAPPEAR
SAN FRANCISCO: APPLESPackage: cartons tray packVariety: PINK LADY/CRIPPS PINKGrade: WAExFcyType: Organic
DateLow-High PriceMostly Low-High PriceOriginOrigin DistrictItem SizeEnvironmentColorUnit of SaleQualityConditionStorageAppearanceCropTrans ModeRepackedComment
01/04/202442.00 - 46.0044.00 - 45.00WASHINGTON88S occas higher
01/04/202439.00 - 39.00 - WASHINGTON100S FR COND
01/04/202437.00 - 38.00 - WASHINGTON113S
01/05/202442.00 - 46.0044.00 - 45.00WASHINGTON88S occas higher
01/05/202439.00 - 39.00 - WASHINGTON100S FR COND
01/05/202437.00 - 38.00 - WASHINGTON113S
01/08/202442.00 - 46.0044.00 - 45.00WASHINGTON88S occas higher
01/08/202439.00 - 39.00 - WASHINGTON100S FR COND
01/08/202434.00 - 38.0036.00 - 37.00WASHINGTON113S
01/09/202442.00 - 46.0044.00 - 45.00WASHINGTON88S occas higher
01/09/202439.00 - 39.00 - WASHINGTON100S FR COND
01/09/202434.00 - 38.0036.00 - 37.00WASHINGTON113S
01/10/202438.00 - 38.00 - WASHINGTON88S
01/10/202437.00 - 37.00 - WASHINGTON100S
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