CENTRAL & SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ARIZONA : LEMONS Demand : MODERATE. Market : ABOUT STEADY. Basis of Sale : Sales F.O.B. Shipping Point and/or Delivered Sales, Shipping Point Basis Supply : 140S-235S LIGHT. Comments :Extra services included. ---- 7/10 bushel cartons, Shprs 1st Grade : 03/27/2024 ,Season 2023 75s 18.10 - 28.10 Mostly 20.10 - 22.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 95s 18.95 - 28.10 Mostly 22.10 - 24.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 115s 20.95 - 31.95 Mostly 26.10 - 29.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 140s 27.50 - 37.95 Mostly 28.95 - 31.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 165s 28.10 - 38.95 Mostly 31.95 - 34.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 200s 30.10 - 37.95 Mostly 31.95 - 34.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 235s 26.10 - 36.95 Mostly 28.10 - 31.10 occasional higher RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ; ---- 7/10 bushel cartons, Shprs 1st Grade, Organic : 03/27/2024 ,Season 2023 75s 29.00 - 38.00 Mostly 30.95 - 33.95 occasional lower RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 95s 30.95 - 40.00 Mostly 35.95 - 38.95 occasional lower RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 115s 30.95 - 40.00 Mostly 35.95 - 38.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 140s 30.95 - 38.00 Mostly 33.95 - 36.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 165s 30.50 - 36.95 Mostly 32.00 - 35.00 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ; ---- 7/10 bushel cartons, Shprs Choice : 03/27/2024 ,Season 2023 75s 15.95 - 20.95 Mostly 16.10 - 18.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 95s 16.10 - 20.95 Mostly 17.10 - 19.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 115s 17.95 - 23.10 Mostly 18.10 - 20.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 140s 23.95 - 31.95 Mostly 25.95 - 29.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 165s 26.10 - 34.95 Mostly 28.10 - 31.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 200s 28.10 - 33.95 Mostly 28.10 - 31.10 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 235s 22.10 - 32.95 Mostly 24.95 - 27.10 occasional lower RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ; ---- 7/10 bushel cartons, Shprs Choice, Organic : 03/27/2024 ,Season 2023 75s 22.95 - 26.95 Mostly 24.50 - 26.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 95s 22.95 - 32.00 Mostly 24.50 - 26.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 115s 22.95 - 32.00 Mostly 24.50 - 26.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 140s 22.95 - 32.00 Mostly 25.95 - 27.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;Season 2023 165s 24.50 - 28.95 Mostly 25.95 - 27.95 RPT CITY: PHOENIX,AZ ;