Understanding the Data
Daily Reports:
* Data withheld because classing office classed less than 500 bales.
# Data withheld to avoid disclosure of individual gin.
Weekly Reports:
* Totals withheld to avoid disclosure of an individual gin or percent distributions less than 0.05.
Other Notes:
Color 81-85 indicates below grade color.
Leaf 8 indicates below grade leaf.
Fiber strength is expressed in terms of 1/8" gage (grams per tex).
HVI Trash is the measure of the percent of the sample covered by trash particles as determined by a video scanner; 12 indicates that trash particles cover 1.2 percent of the sample surface. Trash particles include extraneous matter such as grass, bark, etc.
Uniformity is the measure of the relative uniformity of the length of fibers, if all fibers were the same length, uniformity index would equal 100.
Tenderability is calculated with respect to color, leaf, staple and mike in settlement of New York No. 2 futures contracts.
Phoenix, AZ Classing Office closed as of October 1, 2009. Territory now covered by Visalia, CA Classing.
For more information, please review Understanding the Data.