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About Poultry & Egg Market News

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Since 1917, the Poultry Market News and Analysis Branch has provided unbiased, real-time coverage of prices, supply, demand, trends, movement, and other pertinent information affecting the trading of poultry and eggs.

Market news information helps bring stability and transparency to the marketplace. It enables buyers and sellers to determine market value based on the attributes of the agricultural commodity being traded and not on the absence, unavailability, or imbalance of information. Market news ensures free and full access to accurate, current, reliable, and unbiased information for all market participants to make more informed marketing decisions.

Market news helps to improve the efficiency of private sector entities in marketing poultry and egg products, resulting in increased returns to producers and lower costs to consumers. It promotes a strategic marketing perspective that assists the poultry and egg industries in adapting their products and marketing decisions to changing consumer demands, marketing practices, and technologies.

Market information is collected by Federal and State reporters through daily contact and interaction between experienced market reporters and voluntary industry cooperators. This information is held in the strictest confidence and only released as composite information to avoid disclosing individual operations and proprietary information.

Market news reports provide market coverage of the primary production and consumption areas of the country. Information is released publically at no cost and is widely available either directly through the Internet, e-mail, and personal contact, or indirectly through other media outlets, including news organizations, print and Web media, colleges and universities, information re-packagers, and private market analysts.

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