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Shipping Point Report - Report Details

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The following information is included in a shipping point report. When a column is blank, the information for that particular detail does not apply to the price record.

Commodity Information:


District or region where product originated.

This may be a region within a state (example: OXNARD DISTRICT CALIFORNIA), a general area covering two or more states (COLUMBIA BASIN WASHINGTON & UMATILLA BASIN OREGON) or a port of entry for a foreign commodity (example: MEXICO CROSSINGS THROUGH NOGALES, ARIZONA)

Commodity Name

The name of the product reported by Market News. Example: APPLES


Represents the immediate or current desire for a product coupled with the ability and willingness of the buyer to buy it. See “Demand” in help section.


The price trend (or market tone) of the product or commodity that indicates a comparison with conditions and prices which prevailed on the previous day. See “Price (Market) Trend” in help section.


The volume available for a product, where control is not with the shipper, and is instead dependent on other factors, such as weather or planting gaps. Terms used include “light”, “moderate” and “heavy”. Example: SUPPLY LIGHT.

Basis of Sale

Conditions that determine the type of sale, such as “Delivered sales, F.O.B Shipping Point Basis”, the most common type of sale used on Market Reports. See the “Common Types of Sales” in the help section.


Additional factors affecting the sale of a commodity.

Price Information


Container or package in which the product is sold. Example: Cartons Tray Pack


The name of the variety pertaining to the commodity. For example, on apples the variety might be Red Delicious. Sometimes a variety has additional details and this is shown as a sub variety. Example for tomatoes: Variety: VINE RIPE – HEIRLOOM VARIETIES, Sub Variety: CHEROKEE PURPLE


The Grade that applies to the product. Generally this is a U.S. or State grade. Example for Washington apples: WA ExFcy “WA ExFcy - Washington Extra Fancy ”.


Refers to product that has been grown organically, according to the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990. For more information on the organic program please check: National Organic Program

Reporting City

City and State of office currently reporting information for this district.


Date of Report

Low-High Price

Primary price range showing low price and high price.

Mostly Low-High Price

Price range where most of the sales were made, showing both the mostly low and the mostly high price within the overall range.


The crop-year of the commodity, based on the harvest start date. For example, if the apple harvest begins in August, the season begins in August and runs until the product is sold. For apples the season 2013 may include sales from August 2013 to July 2014. Each commodity has its own season, based on the area where it is produced.

Item Size

The size of the items within the container (or unit). For example apples in cartons tray pack may have 88 apples or 100 apples in the same size container, and they would be listed as 88s and 100s respectively. 88s designate a larger apple than 100s. Examples of other sizes are "large" or "small" as in the case of bell peppers, "standard," an industry determined size for asparagus, and 10-oz minimum or Size A for potatoes.


The specific color for a particular commodity or variety.


These values signify the environment conditions under which a commodity is grown. Environment types are generally Greenhouse or Open Field (or Field Grown). For Mexico the terms for environment for various tomato types include Controlled Environment, Adapted Environment and Open Field, based on terms used in the Suspension Agreement. Older data in Market News also used Greenhouse Hydroponic and Greenhouse Including Hydroponic.

Unit of sale

The unit at which the product is sold. Examples include “per pound” and “per melon”.


Physical properties of a product – see “Quality” in the help section.


Stage of maturity and other factors affecting a product – see “Condition” in the help section.


Storage or other external factors affecting the product. Examples are “Controlled Atmosphere Storage,“ “Regular Storage“, and “Unwashed“.


Refers to external condition of a product, such as color or texture - see “Appearance“ in help section.


Indicates whether the sale is for domestic consumption or for exporting

Price Comment

Additional factors specifically affecting the price, description, or sale of a commodity in a record.

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