About Market News
How to Read a Report
- Type of Reports
- Shipping Point Report vs Terminal Report
- Common Types of Sales
- Price Trend
- Demand
- Quality
- Condition
- Appearance
- Qualifying Terms
- Organic
- Terminal Report Details
- Terminal Report Availability
- Shipping Point Report Details
- Movement Report Details
- Retail Report Details
- Report Abbreviations
- State and Country Abbreviations
- Container Net Weights
Portal Help
My Account
Access to the Specialty Crops Market News Portal and information is free to the public. You are not required to register, although we suggest you do so if you are interested in taking advantage of extended features including:
- Add bookmarks to your Account to easily access current information or previously run Customer reports on subsequent returns to the site
- Email reports or bookmarks to yourself or someone else
- Email yourself or someone else reports on produce, ornamental, and specialty crops report data
- Save bookmarks to graphs you have created.
- View which Custom reports you have scheduled to receive by email and delete those which you no longer need.
You can register by clicking on the "Login|Register" link on the top right side of the Fruits and Vegetables home page. Login and Registration utilize the USDA’s eAuthentication process and this allows the users to access other USDA sites as well without having to login there again.
For registering on this site, level 1 is the minimum requirement and this can be used by anyone having an email address. (Level 2 is used for those who have business transactions with the USDA). As part of the registration process, users are asked to supply a first name, last name, zip code, country, email address and password.
To select preferences, follow the directions given during the registration process.
To delete any reports that you may have scheduled please see the Help section on Emailed Reports
To change your password, click on the "Login | Register" link and use one of the options on the LogIn screen:

To contact the eAuthentication Help Desk for password assistance please select: Email - or Phone 1-877-WBSCM-4U